Monday, September 5, 2011

Chanel perfume - Chanel is what makes it so good?

What woman does not want to have at least one bottle of Chanel perfume? Building Paris fashion house Chanel is the most recognized high fashion world's name and its starting point in 1909 Chanel opened her first store. Chanel sold in the first pioneers, skirts, sportswear, and sweaters, etc. The only women's clothing, and in 1920, Coco Chanel revolutionized haute couture she is not picky, but elegant clothing fashion.

It in 1921, she entered the world of perfume and create the world's most famous and is now the most popular of all the perfume Chanel No. 5. This is such a huge success, Chanel continued to expand her business, now includes shoes, bags, clothing jewelers, there are more fashion items.

In her life during World War II, which is fashion or perfume, during which time she had to leave nothing to the troubled Paris, she returned in 1953 and found what might be called the most famous fashion House - Christian Dior, and Chanel together with her former partner Pierre Wertheimer, she is able to bring Chanel label once again outstanding.

While Chanel's death in 1971, Alan Wertheimer, Pierre's son took over the company in 1974 to ensure that the services designer Karl Lagerfeld, the Chanel No. 5 once again popular with the new perfume is launched on a regular basis by the House of Chanel, the perfume she has gone from strength in the fashion industry and achieved a lasting impression.

Let us briefly review, in Chanel's famous perfume known around the world:

Chanel No. 5
Chanel No. 5 of the first, and in 1921 created by the most famous Chanel perfume ylang ylang and jasmine and roses and other flowers mixed. It is said that Chanel No. 5 is sold every 30 seconds in the rate of one bottle!

Chanel gardenia perfume
Gardenia Although originally founded in 1925, his ability is a stunning illustration, in 1980, completely different from the original again. Despite its name, the fragrance of the gardenia main attention is not, in fact, is said to have sweet tuberose, orange blossom and jasmine note.

Miss Coco
Miss launched in 2001, a unique style and pure sweet Coca-Cola Chanel. This is an understated elegance, light and refreshing flavor, and with orange and bergamot and rose and jasmine middle notes, finishing with patchouli overtones. It is similar to the Chanel bottle. 5 and a pearl white.

Allure for women
Founded in 1996 as a daytime fragrance for women fragrance and flower, orange blossom, citrus, melons, peaches and plum notes.

Coco Chanel
Created in 1984 with a mixture of spicy and amber and evening wear perfume is a complex mixture of eggs, flowers, mimosa, Bulgarian rose, Indian jasmine, French angelica.

Chanel No. 19
Chanel No. 19 is an admirer of her cocoa in 1971, confidence, wisdom and female characteristics, August 19, to celebrate her birthday. This is a wonderful tribute to a woman, 87 years old, including flowers and green in May rose and iris and delicate chypre and woody end.

UNE Fleur de Chanel
Coco Chanel's signature flower, camellia, symbol of elegance, style and inspiration of this limited edition women's fragrance, there is a subtle, and seductive fragrance.

The perfume cristalle
Youth was founded in 1974, Chanel perfume ideal for a summer day. This vibrant, feminine scent, citrus, citrus blend of lemon and pure. As a floral perfume mix richer and concentrated, this is to restart in 1993.

Chanel perfume charm and use them, including Hollywood stars, who can not do without it many of the celebrities famous final word. Women around the world would love its own with Chanel perfume bottles, but hesitated because of its high price.

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